Veterans Day Luncheon
- Details Event Date: November 11, 2018

Veterans Day Luncheon
Princeton Elks Lodge#2129
is honored to host a special luncheon thanking and honoring
our Military Veterans – and we invite you to be a part of the event!
Everyone and their families are invited to:
Princeton Elks Lodge
354 Route 518, Skillman NJ 08558
on Sunday November 11, 2018
from 12:00pm - 2:00pm
All U.S. Military Veterans including those on active duty, National Guard or Reserves are our guest, all other attendees are
$12.00 per person, children 8 and under are $5.00 each.
Reservations and prepayments are highly suggested to be made in advance.
For more information please feel free to email,
call the Princeton Elks Lodge @ 609-466-9813.
Please rsvp by Monday November 5th, 2018
Payments can be mailed to
Princeton Elks Lodge #2129
P.O. Box 217, Blawenburg NJ 08504.
Payable to: Princeton Elks Lodge #2129 (in the memo area of the check please
write “VETERANS” and note how many are attending plus your Veterans NAME)
Pay by Credit Card
Visit our website Click on the members tab,
scroll till you see Veterans Day Celebration, proceed to check out.